Thursday, February 15, 2007


Now some might think that refers to Australia. And it can. But for me it represents that place I find myself when I have ended up trying to hard to forget my miseries at the local bar. Yep, down under at that point it is when I'm lying down under some table, totally wasted.

And to be honest that is not always a joy, but it isn't always bad either. It mainly depends upon how much I end up being trampled upon by the waitress or the drunks who haven't yet joined me under the table.

In reality there are times when I find this experience quite enlightening. I don't know, sitting under some table and looking up at all the gum sticking the bottom of the table is very inspirational when you are so drunk you can't walk!

It is so incredible what thoughts the mind can dredge up in such conditions. I even wrote a haiku once in that condition, but by the time I got through it was more like a dirty limerick. But then I'm not too worried about trying to get it published.

Meanwhile, I do enjoy the times that I am able to savor each opportunity to let the pearls of inebriation flow through my mind. And let me tell you at the time I think them they seem absolutely brilliant.

Later, providing I've written them down, I have to admit the don't necessarily look that brilliant. Well that is providing I can even read them and that doesn't happen very much.

So I have to content myself with just dazzling the fellow bar flies with my genius. They always seem to look at what I write as brilliant.

Now the big trick I guess is how do I get these people to come out and tell the world about my greatness? The main problem is a lack of being able to contact them.

But I might consider you know, getting a few addresses next time I in the bar. That probably would be the best option.

That is providing I can get them to give me their address. Some of them would probably not be that inclined to want to give you there address.

Most are incline to figure you are going to sell them something. And if you aren't a beer salesman, they aren't interested.

So that limits my opinions. Unless I can figure a way to work up some extra beer as a bribe.

Till then, I just have to satisfy my philosophic urges while drinking by settling for keeping myself entertained with them. Later, when the booze problem is solved I'll work on building a bigger group of fans.


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