Tuesday, February 13, 2007


There used to be this program on television where they took a ordinary housewife and made her feel like queen for a day. They would listen to a bunch of sad stories and then pick the most pathetic to be the queen.

These days with so much of a deal about alternative life styles, I doubt they could limit this kind of program just to women. Well that is a headache for the fundamentalist I guess.

But I will say in principle it was a great idea. It gave hope to people and that is always a good thing.

We sort of transcended that kind of hope to a degree when we moved to all those game shows. Then it became a case of not expecting a sob story, but that everyone had a chance to play. Seems fair to me.

I just wish there was a more creative way to expand this whole concept. True we do our best with things like government assistance, but the bureaucrats always take the fun out of the whole thing. Somewhere the idea came across that you can have charity and have fun at it too.

What would be wrong with making people go to say comics school and do a little act before they got any help? Hey, the old folks on social security might really go for, they have lots of free time as it is.

I think if we were to get behind this whole idea of making it fun, it would definitely improve things from my point of view. Oh yeah, then we could maybe sell tickets or make a video and that would give us a break on the cost.

I know about a talent contest. Most talented poor person gets an extra amount in their assistance envelope.

Gosh, why is it that nobody ever seems willing to approach these things from a good point of view. Come on, let's be creative and inventive and most of all, entertaining.

I just feel that when we don't give that part any consideration it just makes everything do predictable. And do we really need more boring stuff in the world?

So come on folks, let's get behind this laugh, assistant recipient, laugh. We can even issue clown costumes to really make it work.

I wonder if you know, we could find one of those little cars where you get a dozen clowns to come out of it. Now that would sure spice up the lines at the unemployment office.

Yeah, it is hard to be creative when so many seem to lack a sense of humor. I guess we need to work on that first as if government wasn't enough of a joke already.


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