Monday, February 12, 2007


I think I've bantered this subject around enough to be honest and say that it is a part of life we can't deny if were are honest. Which is fine, if people would stop pretending they never have any lust in their life.

I guess I'm being redundant on this subject, but it just seems to be sticking in my mind recently. It was probably triggered by having spent too much with Reverend Anable and his Moral Priority.

They are probably as much fun to spend time with as a depressed undertaker if you can imagine such a thing. But I guess you get the idea that fun isn't exactly their forte huh?

Anyway, this last week there were having this revival of sorts. It was a zealous effort to restore what they call family values to our current society they consider in spiritual decay.

Perhaps this is a weird observation, but it seems to me if there was no lusting going on in the first place there would be no families. Some might disagree, but when you and your partner are in the mood for romance I doubt you are thinking in terms of them having a wonderful mind right?

So how come these clowns make it sound like those thoughts are the end of the world. In their incredible leap of logic they go from simple lust to all women ending up prostitutes and men becoming perverts. Isn't that just so comforting to imagine? Scary is more like it if you ask me, which I'm sure you didn't.

At least I do have the comfort that once I have let them bore me with their lectures on the perils of depravity and glories of abstinence they generally leave me alone. So far I have been fortunate in that they haven't managed to discover how I spend some of my nights.

Okay, I do confess that I manage to treat lust as an emotion or desire that needs attention. And to that end I give it lots and lots of attention on some nights.

I won't bore you with the details, just to say, although I don't consider it to be the only think in life it isn't the least either. I count things such as making money as being important too.

Somewhere way down on my scale of priorities is the issue of other things like well, family values. That is because families seem to work things out for themselves without the need of my valuing what they do.

Instead, I prefer to do my part to be sure certain housewives are given a chance to enjoy life. It seems the least I can to for the sake of all those voters our there. Plus I'm being practical. After all, I figure their husband have worked out that problem at work, so I'm just doing my part to be sure the housewives are treated with equality. I consider that being thoughtful. I won't mention what others call it.


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