Monday, January 22, 2007


I have decided that people who manufacture things such as cereal and chips are masters at the concept of selling air as product. Anytime you open on of their packages the contents never fill up the containers. At least not when I open them.

As I understand it the standard excuse is that the product settles when it is packaged. It sounds good at least, but I am a little skeptical regarding the validity of that comment.

However, it does sound a lot better than saying something like we are only going to fill this container three-quarters full and still charge you like it was full. That might be the reality in terms of impression, but I doubt you'll ever hear anyone admit such.

Now complicating this whole process you have the added problem of when they add some comment on a box that says something about more. Which is really easy to do considering we have no way to prove it is more or not more.

The big key to all of this from my point of view resides in the issue of measurements. Oh they do label a box with the weight, but how many of us lug around a scale to see if it weighs what they claim.

And frankly, I'm not sure we even care actually. I'm inclined to think we don't. Which is another detail I think relates to the issue. The manufacturers know we don't care.

So the comply with things like federal laws regarding ingredients, but who of us is honestly going to inspect a package for whether it conforms to the label? This is a case of when more really is more in terms of the stuff that might end up in our packages they don't list on the label.

I'm speaking of things like little bugs. Oh yeah, that is a more they aren't required to tell us about providing the bugs aren't above a certain percentage. That is a cheery thought from my point of view.

Outside of that little more, the rest is all in the opinion of manufacturer from my point of view. They can savor the wondrous indifference of the consumer and feed us all the more they want in terms of print.

But when you get passed all the more they print the one more you can count on is the one in the price. That is the more that will always be really more.

It might be nice if they price reflected the settling the way the product does. Like you get a box where the price slides down the face three-quarters of the way and is twenty-five per cent less. I could accept that change.

I would even suggest it to the cereal and potato chip people. But I got a feeling if I did they would have a different kind of more in mind to share with me. I doubt it would be very nutritious though.


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