Monday, January 15, 2007


You want to know what the weather is going to be like? Well do you? I can tell you in four words, it will be lousy. Yep, I don't care if it is sunshine or cloudy, when you have to be around too many verbal storms it is always bad weather.

I love sunshine and really try to spread some myself, but let me tell you it sure isn't easy to always find. Oh I can find plenty of dark gray clouds to ruin my day, but sunshine that honestly warms, forget it.

Now if I want to find artificial sunshine, it's everywhere. I can think of plenty of places I can pay to get sunshine. There are all kinds of people who I can pay to lie to me if that is what I want.

Only you can't get a tan from that kind of sunshine. The best you can get is warmed inside providing you are willing to accept all that sunny crap is real.

I have had enough practice lying myself to know how that works and let me tell you, I'm not impressed with it. Oh I do it for the sake of benefits to my saving my own butt, but it isn't that I love it.

Finding real sunshine is tough. I mean the kind where people actually like you or care and say so from an honest point of view. That just doesn't happen that often.

At least not to me. Which isn't that surprising since the sun is so darn hot. It is just too much heat for people to hold onto for very long so they have to share it.

Instead you end up with so many people who are forced for a variety of reasons to be a walking personification of rainfall. They just can't help themselves. They are consumed with a need to pour out their misery on others, the precious little darlings.

As for me, well I've got an umbrella and am not afraid to use it. Yep, it works for me. Only the truth is I have to use it on some occasions to shade me from the artificial sunshine.

That is the kind where you hear way to much light that is actually not genuine. Light as in words of encouragement that really are all that encouraging.

So I shall move on and be happy that I can. Perhaps along the way I'll spread a little sunshine myself. And hopefully some of it will be real.

Or at least that it won't be noticed for being unreal by the person that I'm lying to. That always is important from my point of view. At least in terms of my own needs.

Ah, what joy, what rapture when I find the happiness that comes from real laughter. And hopefully without any clouds to darken my day or give me reason to run away. A small thought of life to brighten, hopefully.


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