Friday, January 19, 2007


For me this is a place located somewhere in between "Oh my god" and "works for me." It isn't quite paradise, but it isn't hell either. Sort of a yuppie purgatory if you will.

And the nice thing is how you both hate and love it at the same time. You love the chaos of having all kind of toys, but hate the problems when they don't work as intended.

Still, fretting over a form of pleasure that doesn't work right as opposed to disease, death and dismemberment is definitely a far more joyful mess. You just don't mind it considering the option.

But the problem is being able to stay in that territory without it slowly driving you insane with anxiety. That is the real challenge for most of us.

However, we do endure it because there is no way we are willingly going to separate ourselves from the joy of our toys if we can avoid it. That just wouldn't work.

So eventually, we become owners of our own techno closet graveyard. That is where we put our old toys when we get updated versions.

Holding onto the old ones just seems to make us feel better about the new crap. And in reality the only time we will open that closet is when we want to put new/old crap into it.

This is called, er, fun. Well at least it is some people's version of fun. I call it being addicted to crap. And in my case I'm proud of it.

Oh you can talk all you want about what makes man different than the animals. Personally, I think it is our joyful messes that do the job best.

You can talk about pack rats if you want or ants who store up stuff for winter. But let's face it we are the only creatures who will spend what money we have in order to buy stuff we really don't need in anyway.

All I can say, it that I love it. Yep, I'm proud of all the people who are willing to join in my the joyful mess mentality.

We are the inheritors of real society. Long after all the generous and caring people have died off, we will still be around standing in a line somewhere to buy new crap.

That is what keeps us alive. We are off somewhere being totally frivolous while the caring people are off risking their butts to save the world.

They are welcome to try naturally. I just see it as having less people in the waiting line. And plus they make good targets for whoever.

Meanwhile, I will lay in a new stock of batteries and celebrate another joyful mess. It wll always make me proud and a little crazy.


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