Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I think as a rule we generally only erect statues to people regarded in some way to be a hero. Which is probably a good thing since I doubt any of us wants to see some statue of a wimp.

Of course heroes come in a wide variety of types. And a lot of them will no doubt never be remembered. Let's face it, trying to chose it as a career is not a good choice. Not if you want to have things like a retirement program or dental plan.

That's because most of the time heroes often have to die in order to be consider heroes. Which to me is kind of a drawback to the appeal so such jobs.

Perhaps if you could just die in theory that might work. You know be dead enough on the record so you could get the hero status, but in reality still be breathing. I could see a little merit in that option. At least that way you could possibly write a book and make a few bucks.

What I've been toying with is an idea to sort of expand our concept of heroes and also increase the options in terms of who gets a statue. Heck, we could even try a rent a space deal for wanna be heroes.

You know we could even set up a statue making place where we could charge for making the person a statue. Then we could have a second place where somebody would write up and appropriate tribute to the statue.

I can see a lot of potential with this whole deal. Imagine the people who could enjoy a new whole aspect of life as a result of this option?

I also recognize that with such a program it might get a tad confusing on who really is a hero. But I think it merits consideration just the same. And the nice thing is that nobody would have to die in order to get a statue of them put up somewhere.

Of course to give this project the kind of credibility it deserves I think I would be more than willing to be the first one to be in it. I'd be willing to endure that kind of sacrifice of my time and effort in order to encourage others to join the program.

Is that heroic or what? Well, I guess I have to allow for people who are less than understanding when someone like me takes such bold and courageous steps.

However, I refuse to allow such negativity and criticism intrude upon m dreams. After all for a guy like me who can't afford a spine transplant to replace the lack of one I have now, it might be my only shot at a statue.

And I intend to be sure I make the same possibility so they to can know the joy of feeling they have courage even if they don't. Now if that is helping the public, I don't know what is. (Which is one of those criticism, I've learned to ignore.)


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