Thursday, January 18, 2007


This gets shorten a lot these days to where you have people put the I and follow it with a heart. Which means you love whatever follows.

I mean I guess the people who do this think it is being clever or impressive somehow. And if you notice the thing they love is always something like their family, pets or something consider good and natural.

You never seem them saying I heart lying my ass off. I can't imagine you could ever expect somebody to boldly admit to that do you?

Plain fact is that you probably never see anyone admitting on a bumper sticker or label some of the stuff they really do love. Basically, we want the credit for seeming like a good person, even if we are a jerk.

I do wonder how people would react if we started being honest with this heart thing? It could be very interesting.

I can picture it now. You look down on the bumper of some luxury car and see a bumper sticker that says, I love stealing from people and surfing porn sites on the net. Oh yeah, that would probably get some nice reactions.

But I doubt we will ever find out. I just can't imagine anyone is going to get inspired to advertise such fact no matter how true they are.

This is another case of honesty is not always the best policy. Oh perhaps they really do love a given whatever, but it isn't all they love.

Like the one where the person loves their spouse. Not a bad thing. But would they also say, I love my spouse, but I really love scoring with the hot neighbor next door when her husband is out of town.

Personally, I would applaud such a daring effort. That is the kind of person I could envy for their honesty. But then you would have to worry about the fun assassins. There are plenty of them out there that love to ruin your day just to ruin it.

Now for fun, I wonder how it would go over if you had a bumper sticker that said, I love my Fido and then in parenthesis you added, Fried with a side order of potato salad. You have to admit that would no doubt get a comment or two. Just perhaps not the kind you would want.

So here we are with the age old dilemma, which comes first, the chicken (on the inside for lying about what you love) or the egg on your face from admitting to something really stupid. Ah those are the times that try means, um, I should say soul, but that is too obvious. It is more like one's vision from rubbing your eyes to see if that bumper sticker really says what you think it says.


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