Sunday, January 21, 2007


Discounts are a wonderful concept. And if you can manage to get the best, I mean the absolute best quality for the cheapest price possible, then I call that living. Well, having a great moment at least.

But the problem with sales and discounts is that so many times they don't end up with you getting the best for less. To often it seems what they offer is the so-so for less, which is because it is of poor quality in the first place.

So what happens is they lure you into the store to show you this big bargain. Then you look at it thinking you are going to get something good. But by the time you look at the piece of crap they call a bargain you know you don't want it.

That's when they sucker you end to look at the best. Which naturally looks like the best. Well you can resist so you buy their "for a few dollars more" sales pitch. Before you know it you've probably paid more than the regular price for the best product all because the bargain stuff was pure crap.

Which is my way of saying how in reality you never do get the best for less. And that is something we all ought to know, but we still get suckered by it on plenty of occasions.

That to me is because no matter how smart we think we are, we are all stupid when it comes to greed. If we think we can get something good for less, we toss aside our brain and say "give it to me."

Of course when they do give it to us, what they give us in terms of it is not the it we were expecting. This is the kind you bend over for and you do not say thank you may I have another. At least most of us don't.

Ah, it is all the cause of life in its own way. I call it a lesson we never learn since we keep repeating it.

On the other hand if we didn't then I would be out of a job. Because nobody is better at passing off the crap for less thing than politicians.

That is why there probably ever reason to put salesman, politicians and lawyers in the same camp for a variety of reasons. In a way I enjoy it. That kind of sucker punch that you can rely upon makes for something you can count on.

Sometimes it is the little things that truly makes life special. But then unfortunately this is one of those situations where you can only enjoy it without bragging.

As a rule, people are gullible and buy the most unbelievable crap. But the problem is if you shove it in their face they don't say thank you.

So enjoy, but don't brag. The price for that kind of pride is a lot higher than you might care to pay.


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