Thursday, January 25, 2007


Nope, I'm not talking about passion fruit. Nor am I going to dribble off into some erotic abyss. Oh I might do that later, but I'm not going to put it in a posting.

For me when I mention passion I'm talking about that we truly love the most in life. Well, okay, I'm sure the erotic side fits in there, but I think I'll save that for my memoirs. That will give me extra time for rewrite and to think up new — um, anyway, let me get back to this passion deal as it relates to life.

I think passion is a good thing. And I think for people hooked on passion and the simple joy of being alive they can pretty much find that flame in almost anything.

Then there are the others. Those people who probably couldn't get excited about anything. They are hardly the life of the party. Shoot, I doubt they ever even go to a party.

The funny thing is to me, I actually don't think those who are dull are being unwise to just celebrate there dullness in a honest way. If you can't find a way to shoot, then learn to pout really good. That's a Limburger rule of advice, but I don't think I'm going to get lots of people accepting it.

Which is probably the biggest problem with getting the right slice of passion. If you are all set to enjoy it and then somebody comes along to try and tell you why you can't have it, that really doesn't help the taste.

I call such people the passion police. They have no clue how to enjoy a decent slice of passion whatever and are bound and determined to keep everyone else from enjoying it either.

I have figured my own way around that problem. I don't tell them about it. Secrecy is really important if you are talking about something where you don't want to broadcast certain kinds of passion. Being a public figure that is extra important.

That again is something I will probably decide to eventually put in my Rash's guide to the feel goods. I think it has potential for being a best seller.

Of course that probably depends on whether I keep that chapter in it devoted to Saturday nights. I haven't decided if that will be a good idea or not.

Part of me thinks it would since it might sell plenty of books. And the other part of me says no way since I would possibly end up divulging some of my little secrets for having a good time that fall under the gray area of what is consider legal.

So I think for the moment, I'll just be content to savor my little slice of passion when I find it. And as long as it doesn't involve too many people who want the same piece, then I can always look forward to the next helping.


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