Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Yeah, that is such a sentimental thought from my point of view. Something you just crave to tell some people, but can't in all cases.

I think the thing is what I really want people to do is sit on a bomb and then press the button to make it explode. Only too often even if you could get a person to sit on the bomb, with the appropriate lies you understand, I doubt you could get them to press the button.

Life can be so frustrating in that regard at times. Which is why I just like to cling to this thought even if it only remains a thought.

Of course there are some wonderful alternatives to bombs you understand. I've often toyed with the idea that turning one of the chairs in front of my desk into an electric chair would be worth exploring. And perhaps I could even rig up some way so they would end up flipping a switch to barbecue their bodies without knowing tell it was too late that was going to happen.

I just relish the marvelous image of seeing some jerk sitting there and suddenly the restraints appear to tie him or her to the chair. Then comes the marvelous presence of the switch.

I look at them after producing a revolver and pointing it at them. Then I tell them the only way to keep from me filling them full of bullet holes is to flip that switch, which will cause a shield to cover their body.

Then at the last moment when they hear the crackle of electricity I just smile and say, "do you feel lucky punk?" Okay I know that is a worn out phrase, but it just seemed to fit in my opinion.

Alas, some creativity just never is given the freedom to be expressed as intended. That is the problem with the law, it doesn't allow for inspiration at times.

But none of that keeps me from savory the precious concept of sit on it as I think God intended. And that helps to keep me smiling at times.

That truly applies when I'm sitting in my office and some jerk is in the chair across from my desk. He's going on and on with his complain and the whole time I just imagining the joy of electricity.

Then I sit back, pretend there is a imaginary switch I can flip to make this person's day. The real beauty is that after the vision fills my head of this person being charred and looking utterly shock, I end up having a big smile.

And the whole time they think it is because I am agreeing with their point of view. Naturally, I never interview with such fantasies.


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