Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I love telling people this. And I really enjoy it when it involves talking people into doing something I don't want to do.

The secret to making this a success is convincing somebody that a lame chore is actually cool. That is all a matter of how good you are at lying.

Yep, like so many things, it seems the truth has to be sacrificed for the general welfare of our sanity. It sounds good at least.

Now you might conclude that I have some kind of personal agenda to make lying a good thing. I'm not honestly suggesting that. I'm just downright saying it.

See, to me inspiration is in reality like a lot of other things. You have to help somebody who doesn't think they can do something believe they can.

In reality they might have the potential, but they don't believe in themselves. So what you are doing is lying to them so they will ignore their idea of reality and buy your fantasy. Which is in all actually truth once they do believe in themselves. Thus is really isn't a lie once the person does what they didn't think they could do, but really could.

Everyone got that? I hope so because I nearly got a headache just saying it. However, I think the principal remains valuable.

Just get the person to think they can and then they will try. Hopefully they will actually succeed too.

All of that is, of course, a massage job that I feel good about because I keep telling myself I'm doing it to honestly help the other person. And I even tell others the same thing.

However, as I started out saying, in reality most of the time this for me is more about convincing somebody they can do something I don't want to do. If in addition it happens to be a good thing for them, all the better. Then I can promote it as a charitable act or good deed.

Ah, the sweet flavor of deception with an altruistic twist. Just makes me feel warm all over. Then though, that might just be from forgetting to turn off the heater.

Oh well, in the end as long as somebody ends up with a smile and I don't have to do something I'm too lazy to do, then it is a good thing. And if I need a few extra myths to make it all work out okay then that is a good thing too.

Meanwhile, along the way, I might even in up inspiring someone so I get some free labor out of them. That is what I call a blessing. Hey, that is what I call it, others have, um, a different interpretation, but I think mind sounds so much better.


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