Monday, January 01, 2007


I've thought that would be a great sign to put on a billboard near the edge of town. But put it in big bright red letters.

Then in really small black letters you put (boundary line for city of Mediocrity one mile ahead.) Think me stupid or absurd?

Hey, it wouldn't be false advertising. And in my city that might even get a nod from people who have been hoping for the end of something most of their lives.

At least it seems that way to me. I just can't believe the number of people I know who are practically waiting to die. It is like a hobby with them.

All I got to wonder is how in the world do you get much joy out of that type of insanity? I call it being insane. Because life is short enough, why do you have to rush to the end?

After all, some people believe eternity is better, but what if it isn't? Oh now don't give me this business about heaven and hell. I know all about them. And the only thing I haven't ever seen is any kind of pamphlet for them.

Not that I'm saying it will be a good deal to think of the afterlife is a plus. Unless you have a way to give me a videotour, then at the moment I'm just going to leave it in the uncertain department.

Besides we all will find out soon enough. So why worry about getting their before hand? And why live like this is hell just because you think it somehow will make eternity look all the more rosier.

I mean come on folks, if you are all that jazzed about heaven, great. I think it is wonderful.

The only thing is I wonder if you don't enjoy life now, how are you going to enjoy it later. Do you suddenly get freed up of a bad attitude if you die?

I'm not convinced it works that way. And frankly with as negative and unhappy as some people are, I don't think I want to hang around with them forever. Just creeps me out to even imagine.

Oh well, in the meantime, I'm going to at least try and enjoy what is here. As for the end being near, well my interpretation would be the end of boring.

Only you probably won't find it in Mediocrity if you ask the wrong people. They are the ones that look like the spend all their time in mourning.

You can enjoy if you want, I prefer to go where a smile is still legal and the only end I have to worry about is the one that comes when the party ends. Yep, that works for me.


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