Friday, December 29, 2006


Well as far as I'm concerned this ought to be as good a reason as any for any decision. Like I said it ought to be, but never is as rule.

People always seem to want a reason. Because just never seems to cut it with such people. They are never content with just because as an answer.

The problem for me is that even when I do have a valid just because reason, which isn't most of the time admittedly, nobody wants to hear it. They want facts, darn it all.

I was thinking that perhaps there were ways I can manage to use an alternative to the because word that would fly with people. I am exploring options.

Right now the closest I can think of in terms of viable is "extenuating circumstances." It has such a marvelous ring to it.

However, it is a tad over used. Just like trying to blame things whatever group of they you love to use as a fall guy. And with our government let me tell you the they does have quite a very worthy candidates.

But that is for another posting I imagine. For now, I'm just content to ponder how I'm going to work a viable solution to this whole because issue.

And outside of the extenuating circumstances option I leaning towards the ever popular double-talk gambit. That was has been used successfully on many occasions.

Let me tell you if you work it right people will be so befuddled by you words they will never even suspect what you are saying is complete crap. But you have to be extra careful. Because their is a fine line between credible and "you've got to be kidding." Oh yeah trespass into that territory and you'll be dead in more ways than one.

The wonderful thing that goes with it is the joy of when you succeed at this little ploy. If you can keep people from asking too many questions, I call that success.

Others have different terms for it. Some are of course a little less than uplifting. I just chalk those up to people with bad attitudes. Yeah, sometimes when you get rear ended too much in life it can sort of ruin your mood.

However, that isn't everyone you understand. Which leaves me with the joyous thrill of knowing how there is always a chance that this time will be different in terms of getting someone to accept so lame explanation as true.

Now it might be easier if I could get more people to go along with the because thing. Hmmm, perhaps with a bribe? Ah well, that is another option to explore. I wonder how much it would realistic cost to get people to develop a sudden case of blindness? I guess I could do a survey.


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