Sunday, December 24, 2006


Well, I'm not going to take the easy and well known option of finishing that with even break. That would be too easy, too obvious and um, not really the way it works.

See it is far more complicated in reality. At least for me. You do have to give a such a break, even or otherwise at times.

It is just for illusion you understand. Not that I give a darn about the sucker, I just want them to think I do. That is what is most important.

See, before you can totally fleece some people you have to be sure you make them want to trust you. That way if you haven't already sucked them dry you can do it completely. Clever huh? I think so whether it is or not.

Anyway, that means you have to employ the old adage about spending money to make money. Give out a few crumbs in order to get the whole loaf later. It is a simple matter of economics in terms of ultimate benefit.

Yes it is absolutely intentionally sleazy. It is a relevant thrust of desire to gleam as much as you can from anyone who might otherwise succeed in resisting on some level.

So in that regard from my point of view this is the ultimate form of never giving anyone the slightest degree of mercy. Only it doesn't end up sounding that way, which is the whole point of my effort.

You see from my view the best victim is the one who doesn't even know he or she is a victim. That way they will be less inclined to complain or feel like a victim.

Now the really masterful stroke is to fleece somebody and leave them feeling like they actually won. If you do that then you have truly achieve a victory.

Ah the joys of illusion. They are always so precious when inflicted upon those who in their pride think they are superior.

Because in the end you have the joy of letting them walk away, perhaps fatally wounded in the pocketbook and thinking they are the champions at whatever. Then while they are on a fiscal deathbed you get them to fork over the last of their bucks and think they are still winning.

Afterwards, at the funeral or in this case the bankruptcy court hearing, you let them walk away still deluded into thinking they are great. Meanwhile, you mosey off with the money widow for some evening of consolation. Then later comes the — um, well I guess I don't need to tell all my secrets do I?

Ah, life. It can get interesting at times. And once and a while you win when somebody else thinks you lose. That is the kind of break that always keeps on giving.


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