Saturday, December 23, 2006


Oh yeah, never more is that wonderful vow that hardly ever happens never. Er, that is so say it never actually happens in reality. Well, I suppose I can't speak for others, just me.

But, at least in my observations that is the reality. Oh one can't forget the merits of say, good intentions. As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I have my own slant on that saying. In my opinion the problem is with two issues. One is a lack of patience and the second is not having realistic intentions in the first place.

They both entwine you see in the result being that when we want to do something good we think it should always work out. Like the big guy upstairs should somehow endorse it just because we thought it would work.

But then the problem it that is all in our interpretation. And naturally because we decide that God should get behind it we think it should happen, RIGHT NOW!

So when it doesn't we get bored, we get confused and then at times we panic. All of which results in us doing something to really screw up so whatever good we thought might come out of it really gets messed up.

And that folks, naturally leads to HELL, with a big capital H. Come on you know it is true. After we dream of a heaven as rewards for trying to do the right thing and it completely falls apart, that feels like hell.

Only there isn't any lake of fire unless you sit on it by accident or any devil standing behind you with a pitchfork prodding you. Nope, he doesn't need to even bother. I think he has enough volunteers willing to do it for him.

The result naturally is that we go from the clouds to a desert where we end up being kept coming by a bunch of cactus furniture that only makes our misery even more miserable. All because we had the lame idea to follow an inspiration that we thought was going to make us a saint in the process.

But since we didn't bother to think beyond our own ego, we never got the facts straight. The result was that we sink even farther into some torment for feeling stupid in addition to not getting a chance to be fitted for a hero.

I tell you it is no fun dreaming of being a hero and ending up looking like a jerk instead. It isn't what I call fun.

And you know what, the real fun is that I know that tomorrow it will happen all over again. Only the next time the hell will be worse because I will have learned nothing in the process from my last screw up. Ah, it is to laugh. Why not? It isn't doing any good to promise myself that my next time will be better. But then we can always hope, just don't think that fairy tale will always end in a happy ending.


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