Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Well, I imagine this is probably something one might expect to hear related to very patriotic and statesman like event. Make the heart swell up with pride as you stand and salute the flag and then sing the National Anthem.

But as wonderful as all of that might be, it isn't what I'm going to write about. Nope that would be too easy from my point of view.

Now let us take a moment to analyze this. First of all we got when. Meaning a specific time, yet to happen. So you do it when that time happens and not before. Otherwise you don't stress over it you just don't even have to think about it.

Then we have the in the course of. That to me suggests a given direction with intention. This isn't a matter of accident. It is more like you are heading in a given direction and you better watch your butt pal. Yep, this is one big warning.

At least it is too me. And believe me I do take it serious. Because the one thing I don't want is to work hard plotting some really big con and find out too late that I'm about to get rear ended for not paying enough attention.

Okay, that isn't patriotic. But think about it for a second. Weren't our founding fathers a tad on the clever side to come up with this whole thing in order to excuse their actions?

I'm not complaining you understand. I would do the same thing if I was there. Well, true, I would have sign the Declaration of Independence either in disappearing ink or with an assumed name.

And if things didn't work out you could be sure that I would have been the first one on the block to sell the names and address of the others for the right price. See, that is part of the when that counts too.

You just don't hear it mentioned quite that way. Which to me suggest the founding fathers had some darn good press on their side. That was a good way to plan ahead.

As for me, well I just try to learn some basic principles of survival in the process. That means you never, ever let your butt be exposed when bending over to rip off somebody else.

Hey, I can translate this thing the way that works for me can't I? I think you need a sound mind of larcenous logic working for a practical approach on such inspiration.

And to think I don't even charge for my advice. I am working on that part though. All I have to do is figure out how to charge without giving a guarantee that my advice will work.

Some people can be so mistrusting. Ain't it a shame?


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