Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Sometimes getting people to reason together only works when you never see each other. Sound crazy?

I don't really feel it is all that surprising. After all you don' t have to look that hard to appreciate how much disharmony there is in the world. Peace exists in some settings until you have more than one person show up and then you have big problems.

So I think at times it would just be better for us if we simply went off somewhere and pondered the world by ourselves. Then we could fax or email or insights to somebody else. Afterwards, wait for a decent response and then do all of our debating in the same form.

Later when we got passed all the finger pointing and insults we could at least meet when we were calm and smile without it being phony or forced. Ah, I like that part.

Of course my choice of meeting spots would be a local bar. That way we could both soak up enough booze that pretty soon we wouldn't even care what we didn't agree about.

Under our current social game plan it seems that we prefer the illusion of a harmony that really doesn't exist. So we sit in our meetings exchange comments that aren't truly a reflection of our feelings and go through the motions of acting like everything is fine when it isn't.

Later, in private or with somebody we think we can really trust, the real truth about how we feel gets expressed. Love is not a word for this kind of practice in my opinion.

Which is why I think a far better approach would be for us all to simply do this kind of comments from the heart in a setting where we would feel safe. That way we could avoid this reasoning together that never actually works.

All in all, I consider this is a very practical approach. An honest one that doesn't grant us a need to play as many games.

But I suppose that there are enough lovers of abuse who will cling to the old traditions. They will make sure we keep going through the same process, no matter how much it doesn't work.

It's call defending the faith by some. Only the problem is the faith they have is in something we just tolerate whether it works or not.

In the meantime, I'm developing a special score keeping system to keep tract of the highs and lows of this type of process. The hard part will be figuring out who is the winner.

I don't know if I would want to compete for the championship. It is the kind of challenge where sometimes winning is getting a chance to not play.


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