Monday, December 18, 2006


Why do we insists upon thinking life will get better someday? I'm not trying to be a pessimist here, just asking the question.

As I see it we all share in a world where we improve our toys from time to time. But we are more obsessed with making bigger firecrackers than games. That is because we know that there are all kinds of other creeps out there doing the same.

Which makes sense because as a rule people are generally greedy, selfish jerks. You may quote me.

Oh there are the real nuts out there who try do actually do good sometimes. I hate those people. They ruin life for the rest of us and give us hope that maybe we could all be decent people. What kind of benefit is that when it is mainly a fantasy.

So how come we can't just you know turn the whole thing into one giant soap opera? Yeah, if we are going to live in a toilet filled with a bunch of people who act like turds then let's do it right.

I'm talking about enjoying the evil and stop pretending it is going to get better. Now I'm still in favor of punishing the really, really, really bad people. You know like serial killers and others who are just plain sick.

But I think we need a different approach to this whole thing. We need to accept all these regrettable aspects of human nature as fact.

Then we can turn them into forms of entertainment. I mean there no reason we can have a few laughs while enforcing the laughs is there?

So the thing goes with all those nasty little buggers who have a passion for blowing things up. They are such morons. What good is there to only destroying crap? Unless say you happen to be the sort that can turn it to a profit by being the type to also own the repair options.

I just don't see that as the angle these clown have who are always running around trying to destroy crap. I wish they would listen to reason.

Now if they really want to cause people trouble, you don't kill your enemy. That never gets you ahead.

Instead you have to get into the service industry where you can bleed them dry of money. I call that the type of destruction where you wipe out their pocket book and do it with a smile.

Plus if you really want to get nasty you can take forever repairing their crap. But best of all they are still alive so you can abuse them over and over and over. I call that a win you can definitely win!


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