Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Well, I'm sure the most familiar version of this saying comes from a movie and doesn't end in with life off. I know life isn't a light bulb you can turn on or off.

True, I have met my share of people who could be describe as a dim bulb, but that is a different issue. However, you do sort of wonder if perhaps the person could use some artificial help that would allow them to be more than a dim bulb of whatever.

Meanwhile getting back to the whole wax off deal, my thinking is mainly about the idea of the stuff you use to make the ordinary more glamorous. I'm speaking of the dazzle, the pure pizzazz you can add to something to make it be more than a yawn.

We can talk all day about honesty I suppose. It is a commendable idea. The problem is that there are just plenty of times when reality is other than being about glitz.

Which is when you have to add that extra dash of something to make the ordinary more than ordinary. And although I don't wish to appear redundant I guess I'm traversing the same ground in this posting, because I just see too many instances of people not getting it.

Okay so life sucks at times. That doesn't mean have to shut if off. So add that wax pal. Whatever kind of wax will make you go ahhh!

And do it with a smile. Because the plain truth is that without that wax then you also don't have the polish in other areas of your life.

So go ahead if you want and pretend that not having wax is a good thing. Just keep telling yourself that lie and slowly let your whole mood and attitude become about as energetic as a slug.

That's what happens when you wax off. Sorry, but illusion is a good thing at times. We need those stars burning in our head that say we are special.

And if you happen to be somebody who works at a dull job where there is difficulty finding any kind of wax that will ever make it shine, so what? Yeah, you heard me, so what?

Instead of whining about it pal, shine it up. Find something you can see in it that doesn't suck. I know that seems like all a bunch of baloney. But hey, unless you've made enough sandwiches from it then give it a shot.

Okay, that may be a bit muddle in a way. But the point is even baloney doesn't have to end up crap if you use the right kind o spread to make it appealing. Um, think of it as a form of wax.

And in the end, if you handle it right, then it is life on instead off when you put on the wax instead of wipe it off.


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