Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Oh yeah, everybody wants a piece of rock for themselves. But the size of the chunk isn't the same. And from my point of view that is a good thing.

Now admittedly if I wasn't someone with a really good hunk for myself I might feel differently, but in my position it works. Maybe I wouldn't mind getting a bigger chunk, but right now I'm just too lazy to go for it.

I think the whole idea of having a place in the sun has certainly varied of the years. We call it part of the American dream. But depending on when you lived and your situation the concept was certainly different for different people.

And despite all our rhetoric about being the land of freedom, I'm not sure it has ever be meant to apply to the issue of equality. I mean we talk about it, but when it comes to the castle bit, well don't worry about it, that is covered under those laws that aren't written down anywhere.

Now let's be realistic, freedoms that are free, meaning they don't cost anybody anything like voting, no big deal. We can pass those out grudgingly and feel pretty darn good about it. But as for real estate, whoa, now don't get too picky!

You say that is silly? Need I remind you as to our fabulous real estate program we made available to the American Indian? I would hardly call our approach on that subject as sterling instance of freedom or fairness.

Plus, let's face it, how many wars around the world have we been involved with and after they were done we ended up 'staying' there for one reason or another? Ah, am I beginning to make sense or what?

Like I said, I'm not complaining, I'm applauding the great approach. We have such a fine record of making sure we always put those land boundaries just where we need them. Ah it is sweet isn't it?

And when that isn't enough what do we have as a choice? It is called imminent domain. Oh yeah, is there any better official form of land grabbing.

The good old boys in power and can waltz in and scarf up some land when needed. They don't have to have a good reason, just because.

I guess the good part is that when we get it all said and done the joy is that we the people can depend upon there being gold in them thar hills. The hills being wherever the government decide. And when they get done, if they don't take it through taxes, they figure another way to get it.

As for the ordinary person, they get to share in the wealth. It is call getting the shaft. And I'm sure eventually they'll figure a way to charge for that too. Ain't it a thrill.


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