Monday, November 13, 2006


This could apply to a lot of things I suppose. It could be a diary, THEE GOOD BOOK, or a novel. That even perhaps (yawn) could include a rulebook, which is not the same as the good book despite what some anal-retentive bureaucrats might claim.

I think to me the point is that any of these issues does have pages. And you have read each of them in order to appreciate the whole. Seems logical, but I get the impression it doesn't work that way.

After all when you talk about reading a novel it always reduces down to talking about some specific page or pages, which have you most memorable part. And what makes it memorable is going to be up to you.

That is sort of my intended point to a degree. Namely that page after page a book will exist, but there is always a given part that will speak to us, providing it is remembered at all. And some will definitely not be memorable.

What I hate are the people who camp out on say a specific rule in a book of rules and decide that rule is the one that is the most important. You talk to them long enough and you discover that they probably don't even remember any of the other ones. In fact they may not have bothered to read them either. They just want you to believe they did so you will give attention to the one rule they decided to live by.

All of that is boring from my point of view. Personally, I'm not a big fan of rules anyway. They just make life so darn difficult.

Even though I am a Mayor and thus am responsible for preserving the law to some degree, it doesn't mean I'm thrilled by the rules in general. And you can be darn sure I don't know most of them. Reading page after page of codes and laws is something I would prefer to do instead of taking a sleeping pill.

But none of that keeps people from continuing to add even more pages of rules to the ones we already have. Like having more things we can't remember is a good thing.

It appears to be so for some people. I guess I ought to applaud their industry and I might if I didn't see it as a waste of time.

All I know is when they write the pages of my life, I would prefer them not to include too many rules and also not be a whole lot of dittos meaning this page or day was the same yawner as the last one. But then some of the pages will have to be edited of course. I mean I think that will be the only option to including the parts that would make it other than PG.

But then that will come during the re-write phase. Which is when I get a chance to tell it as I wish it had been. That will be entitled doing it my way. I'll just leave out the part where it is a work of fiction.


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