Thursday, September 28, 2006


Is there anything worse that having to work outdoors in the middle of summer? I mean sweating is bad enough, but do you have to actually get tired too? I appreciate how there are some crazy people who would probably not mind this practice, but I am not among them myself.

I did give thought to working on coming up with a temperature control suit like an astronaut might wear that you could use during the summer. Oh I would invest in making it even more special by adding features such as special devices that you could add, which would do give your arms and legs added power from hydraulics and what not. That way you could have the strength of ten and never break a sweat in anyway.

The way I look at it this outfit would be of extra blessing to the countless couch potatoes who are told to get some exercise and don't want to lie about spending all their time sitting on their butts. So they could get exercise on a technical level. Maybe not in terms of actually the type that you feel in your muscles, but exercise just the same.

Shoot for a few extra bucks I'm sure we could wire it with stereo surround-round system and maybe DVD player. Perhaps an added plus would be to include a internet/computer hook up and cell phone. Oh yeah this really seems like it has possibilities to me.

But then you are also talking about a guy who nearly went bust trying to push a rent a sweater type of deal. How was I suppose to know that instead of attracting tons of people wanting to pay somebody to go to the gym for them I got lots of people looking to rent something warm to wear. Jeez, talk about getting some really strange phone called when you are thinking they need a dude who is young and healthy and they are talking about needing something warm, pink and fuzzy.

So I had to abandoned that option. I haven't completely given up on it though. I may amend it to say rent-a-sweat-soaked, muscle bounded clown. I think it has a nice flow to it.

I don't know, it is so darn tough at times to keep up my wonderfully creative ideas when they just don't get the appreciate I think they deserved. That doesn't keep me from thinking though.

And even if the world isn't ready for my idea of exercise or the other alternatives I've been coming up with, perhaps in time I'll find that perfect option that will truly get a big following. The good part is naturally knowing I can keep trying no matter how many times my ideas fall a little short of being popular.

I'm not really discouraged of course. I think it is only a matter of time before the numbers are in my favor. After all there are far more of us lazy overweight types running around than the fit ones. Gee maybe I need to concentrate on the other side. Finding ways of inspiring the fit people to be more lazy. I wonder if you bribe a guy who works out with chocolate?


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