Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The way I look at it there are all kinds of seeking. And most of the time that involves some kind of action on the part of the seeker. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

However, I think the big part of all of this lies in the finding part. If you spend all that time seeking, but never actually find anything it sort of makes the whole seeking thing rather pointless.

At least to me it would seem that way. Yet, I have known my share of people who gone on a quest of seeker that never ended in them finding anything.

It is sort of like the person who says they are going to out to find themselves. My reply, trying looking in a mirror bozo! Honestly, it is amazing how we love to complicate the simple.

Oh I know when somebody speaks of finding themselves they are generally referring to some metaphysical journey. Which is fine, but I do wonder just how often this type of journey is really necessary?

Plus I also question how many people taking it as a form of vacation or sightseeing tour rather than a learning experience? The priority naturally is whether you are actually serious about finding something or just going through the motions because it sounds good.

Not that most people are going to admit it even if that is the truth. It is just so much more satisfying to be on the hunt and tell everyone about it that to have found what you were looking for.

Which I think goes back to the simple focus of why you are looking in the first place. If it were say something like a gold mine, oh yeah a whole lot of people would be more than willing to listen to you talk in hopes they could suck you dry later.

But if you are looking for something vague or without any monetary value that translates into nap time. Unless you are able to make the vague and philosophical sound like pure gold, then you could probably get away with it.

None of that will persuade those who want to earn brownie points from impressing people by talking about some questing they plan on doing. I just hope they can manage to make it interesting.

The fun part is when you get the joy of prodding them for more information. If the person starts dancing around the information enough, sorry, but I know it is a con.

As for me, well I do try to keep my seeking simple. A simple desire brews in me to seek a good time.

I always find it too, providing I'm not looking in the same place as the people who are trying to find themselves.


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