Saturday, September 30, 2006


One thing I know is that these are never little or white in terms of good. They are just plain lies that we like to use to lie about lying.

From the standpoint of someone like me for example I love the term because is sounds so much better than calling it a big fat lie. The word little being emphasized so we can feel better about being a liar, if that is really possible.

This is from my view sort of like trying to differentiate between the person who is a pick pocket from the one who uses a gun to rob people. That fact that you didn't hurt anyone in terms of violence somehow is suppose to make it less of a crime. It seems to be the reasoning.

I think I prefer to make an issue of this mainly because lying is such an important aspect of my daily life. Only I'm not prone to divide my lies between little white ones and really big fat ones.

Nope, I'm not going to go there. That would be silly from my point of view. I mean I do prefer a small degree of honesty in the midst of my lack of truth. I know that might sound rather dubious, but hey, even a scoundrel like me does have his standards.

Which is the whole point of my writing. These darn little white lie people are ruining it for the rest of us devoted big fat liars. They mess up everything.

If people figure out that you are lying about the little stuff they never are willing to believe you are telling the truth on the bigger crap. Like they say, there goes the neighborhood.

I want all the little white lie people to get their act together. They should either cross over and become a worthless scum of a compulsive liar like the rest of us or start telling the truth all the time.

This nonsense of being so darn wishy-washing just isn't cutting it. And I sure hope that somehow I can make them listen to reason for a change. Honestly, this is so disgusting.

Of course I really do get upset by the fact of knowing just how tough it will be improve on this problem in life. There are just way too many people out there in the little white lie category.

I mean it could take years just getting passed all those reporters and other groups who peddle gossip as a hobby. Jeez that could take forever if we don't act fast.

And don't get me started on the government. Those people have had so darn long at perfecting the little white lies I doubt we could consider their behavior to be other than an addiction.

But I'm willing to keep working at this till I see some success. I want total and complete baloney or the pure truth, nothing in between. Now all I have to do is get anyone else to agree.


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