Friday, October 27, 2006


The concept of hiring people is a wonderful idea. It is legal and even though sometimes a given employer's idea of employee's rights might border on the territory of slavery, we still find it a worthy format for compensation.

From my view the one problem arising out of this whole arena of labor is that people don't always agree on the issue of what all being hire mean. Specifically, to me it is a matter of a person agreeing to perform certain tasks in return for compensation. And in the process the corporation reserves the right to redefine the nature of said tasks as the situation demands.

That is the part, which always ends up being rather fuzzy in some cases. Primarily from my view it is because of a number of problems. The first being the philosophy of the employee. By that I mean their attitude towards their jobs. If they hate the job they will be more prone to get pissed anytime to change their workload or duties.

On the other hand if you have somebody who is prone towards masochism they will savor any change even if it ends up being abusive. Which isn't always a bad thing if you are signing the paychecks.

The problem in that regard is you can't always tell the kind of attitude a given person has during the interview process. And applications or resumes don't help at times either.

Anybody can put on his or her "I'm sane and normal" face for a few minutes during an interview. At least from what I've seen more than one person is able to pass for a decent person long enough to make you think hiring them is safe.

It isn't till later when you walk pass their desk and make some passing observation about say a minor mistake they made you find out they aren't that sane. At least you have a chance to duck before they whip out some automatic weapon and fill you full of holes.

Perhaps you are dealing with somebody not prone to such violent forms of expression. They might just be content to do something like freak out from criticism or do something others see and think you condone that will be totally embarrassing.

However, if you have done your job right in the hiring processes, which I see as a matter of dumb luck, then you get somebody who works hard and doesn't complain much. At least not to you.

They might tell the whole world you are a jerk, but when you see them they are all smiles, the rats. And naturally they will take every opportunity to make you suffer for any mistakes you made whether you actually did anything wrong or not.

I suppose one might presume from my comments I don't think there are any good employees. The reality is that from my view there are a few. The law of averages would say you would find one occasional. Just not often enough from my experience.


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