Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I was thinking in part of that great Beatles song, "Let it be." Only in this case I was thinking more in terms of what we should let it not be.

Now what kinds of things am I referring to? Well such things as incompetence. I didn't say we can cure it, only that we should probably not let it be if we can avoid it.

Oh that is just one of several things on my list naturally. We have all kinds of items we could add I imagine beyond the ones that I'm thinking about.

But the point is we KNOW what shouldn't be and should be. However, we also appreciate that just knowing it doesn't mean it will actually happen. So we are trapped in that dreaded wasteland between knowledge and action. It is never pleasant, yet we do live there just the same at times.

How can we escape? That is a good question. And I do have a few suggestions that might help. Some are better than others I suppose.

The first one would be to exile all the stupid, incompetent people to live together and leave the rest of us alone. I said exile and not execute I hope you appreciate. After all I am a civilized tyrant and not a bloodthirsty type.

That might seem a bit absurd to talk about in this type of situation, but my goal here is to search for nice, safe ways of curing problems. Then if they don't work we can get ugly. But no pressure you understand.

Ah, I do love to dream though. It is so joyous to spend the time imagining ways of creating utopia. Getting rid of people who don't fit in is just one solution.

I think saying they don't fit in is better than some options. I'm just acknowledging that sacred desire we have to create a climate of harmony.

Okay, I realize that some people have aspired to create such a climate by permanently getting of everyone that disagreed with them. That isn't my goal. I just think we would be so much better off if we could perhaps bring a true sense of balance to our world.

True, I know I seem to be harping on this issue of removing some people from society, but if do concede that as having merit we should also look at the various systems that are in force also. Some of them could serve us better by being changed or eliminated.

Which to me brings us to the issue of taxes. Yeah, you heard me right, taxes. I think we need a more fun and unique was of dealing with this kind of revenue process.

Maybe we could have it as a lottery or auction program where you get to buy the person of your choice to do what you wanted. Um, I think that was tried once, but it got confused with bribery. Well perhaps another way will come up.


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