Tuesday, August 22, 2006


When the world sinks into confusion and nothing makes sense there is only one thing to do. Sink with it! Yep, forget trying to remain calm or make sense of it, just start dancing your way around the truth. It sure makes any possible headaches over figuring out solutions a lot easier to handle.

I know the name of this dance. It is called denial. My question is why is this a bad thing? Okay no smart remarks please.

What is it about reality that makes it so appeal? I mean does staring in the mirror and seeing that pudgy, balding lump instead of a young kid somehow translate into happiness? I think not.

I realize some will claim that the priority is facing the truth so you can change. That if you do change you will be better off that if you just keep living in denial.

My response is that I don't agree. I think the reality is life is going to suck no matter what we say or do. Perhaps not completely, but there is always going to be limits on what we can and can not improve.

So I say, knowing how life is limited to start with and generally never going to be perfect, then we might as well enjoy it whenever possible. Any dancing we can do that helps with that process is a good thing in my book.

Plus I have to be honest to the degree that I am able to be honest. The more voters I can get to live in denial the more will have fewer reasons to complain or expect improvement.

I would much rather run into a citizen of our city in some bar where they are feeling no pain that face them on the street. That just is an easy solution since they are happier and a lot more friendly and don't ask any questions that are embarrassing.

Perhaps you can call it doing my fellow citizens a favor then when I dole out leadership that gives them a reason to drink. I just help them be encouraged to do what comes naturally if you didn't get harassed by all the people out there trying to ruin your efforts at dancing through that maze.

Now if I am successful then there will be more happy drunks in my city that unhappy voters milling around the street looking for a reason to complain. I call that success.

Others might give it a different explanation. Which is okay as long as they reserve that opinion for themselves and not me.

Meanwhile I intended to pursue a course of making sure I sing my speeches well enough to allow all they faithful to waltz through the path on the glorious way to complete denial. It will be a wonderful joy and place to live if we all just remain calm and spend more time listening for music instead of the sound of facts.


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