Saturday, July 29, 2006


I'm not talking about the regular kind of dancing here. I'm speaking of the kind of puppet does. Which being in politics is something I have either to do myself or manage to make others to do.

The last dance for me in that regard is centered about the last opportunity you have make someone act the way you want before you discard them. Oh yeah, the last one is the most fun since you know it won't happen again.

For a politician it is the time when you are finishing up your last tenure in a given office. That hasn't happen to me yet, but the day will come no doubt.

In the meantime I do still have my occasions of having the last dance. That is when I've abused and used some group of voters for the sake of a campaign need, but won't get to do it again, darn it.

I'm talking about a special group, say like seniors, homeless or basically anyone that you use in order to get mileage out them in terms of votes. So you make them sort of dance from the attention, but then later, ah, once your in office it is who? I love that part. It is so much fun!

Naturally, I don't tell others that. I'm not that stupid. However, neither do I waste time returning their phone calls. Which naturally gives me the thrill of cutting the strings and generally when they are totally convinced you are never going to leave.

It is all a political puppeteer's delight. And I delight myself every occasion I can, right up to the point I cut those strings. Then it's, "have a nice life sucker," and if I'm in a real good mood I toss in the part about "we'll do lunch," which we'll never actually do!

Like I said that last dance when I'm the one controlling the strings is fabulous. But the part I hate is when I'm the one dangling.

That happens when I end up being used by the big boys of politics. Those on the state and federal level who not only control the strings, but probably invented them and the scissors that they use. Oh yeah, they are the master of this kind of last dance.

I try to avoid doing much of this kind of dancing. But you can be darn sure if I do end up dancing that I try to make it so darn impressive they just can't bring themselves to cut the strings. Hey, I know how to brown nose as good, if not better than some.

And if by chance that means I have to dance and cut somebody else's strings you can be sure I'll do that too. I just love that option. Sort of a form of survival, only I never have to feel guilty. At least I do my best not to let it bother me.

I guess for the moment that is enough joy of thinking about last dances. Which reminds me, I have a speech to give to some seniors. I like dealing with the elderly in that regard. They often don't even know when you have cut their strings!


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