Monday, June 19, 2006


Now to me there is a BIG difference between these two. But so often with politics they seem to get mixed together. That’s because you know most political speeches are con jobs and you just can have a decent con job that isn’t dripping with confidence. It’s lies with a nice twist to get you all jazzed into buying the crap being peddled.

So to accomplish there convincingly you need to include some kind of vision for change. Visions are a big thing in the politics business. Most people have lies that really suck so you need a vision or to of seeking something good that can happen if. The “if” part is the important one because that’s the pile of manure you want to believe is going to end with some really cool roses “if.”

See that is “if” some lazy bastard actually plants the roses. Then a second lazy bastard is willing to spread the manure over the seeds. Afterwards a third even fatter lazy bastard is prepared to get off his butt and water the whole mess.

Once all those clowns are done perhaps the pile of manure will actually have done some good. But see all the “ifs” you have to mess with in the process.

The speaking part of politics is linked to the seeking part without bothering to include all the “ifs.” We just take you from speak to seek and forget the manure in between. You can smell it, hate it, let it bring tears to your eyes, but just keeping thinking roses, okay?

In reality nobody can forget the smell. That’s because it really does stink big time. And the bigger problem is why there is such a difference between speak and seek.

It is because of all the fat lazy bastards you have depend upon in between to make the seeking part really happen. Those you never mention in you speeches. That would bring the link between speak and seek. And if you do that then nobody will ignore the stink of that pile of impossible manure you can’t get rid of and are too lazy to do anything about.

For myself, I love this nonsense. It is great. I can do all the speaking and talk about all the seeking and never actually do any of the ifs in between. That is the fun of being the politician. I can have some other poor dumb slob of a helper get stuck shoveling that pile of manure.

But some will always expect you to take this whole process serious. They will stock up on a car load of air freshener and keep spraying it long enough so you can tell the smell is there. At least while they are peddling their line of bull. When that is done, the wind changes and they are off to the next speak and could care less if you actually get any changes.

It is a wonderful game. I love it because I can keep score anyway I want and never worry about losing. The losing part happens to the voter.


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