Thursday, June 15, 2006


This to me is something people say when they don’t want to admit that you have a legitimate complaint. They try to convince you that your view or impression of a problem is valid. So saying it is all in your head makes it sounds like you are dumb and stupid and then they don’t have to accept that you have a problem that merits some thought.

Personally, I know there have been times when I have used the same approach with some people I know. However, in all fairness, with some of the people in my life it really is all in their head. I do have way too many individuals in my circle of life that are honestly way beyond the point of what could be called sane.

I’m only grateful that they can function at all at times. It doesn’t make me happy when they come to me though to vent on some totally insane issue. Or perhaps you might think that my feeling that someone who claims a plant is a god is being intolerant on my part.

I don’t think I would care if the person had some crazy ideas. But they always seem obsessed with telling me. As if I really enjoy knowing the details on why some lunatic things a race of tiny aliens race is using his socks to plot the destruction of the known world.

All I can ask is what would you do in such a situation? What I did was listen. I have to confess that I was tempted to call for the guys with the nets and passes to the places with padded walls. But the problem is that if I did that it would be a hard habit to stop once I started. And with all the people I have to deal with that fall under the category of living in a different world believe me that is one habit I can’t afford to practice.

I only wish I had a ghost of a chance to persuade more people that too many times things really are in their head. That doesn’t happen though. It is more like, “What do you mean it is only in my head. Those dancing mushrooms stealing my coffee who come from the planet, Snotsgravy are REAL!” Yeah, believe it or not that has happened to me.

So I’ve learned to cope. That is what I call it when I sigh after the conversation of questionable sanity and pray I don’t have to endure it another time with the same person.

The major problem I face is that too many of those conversations ends up infecting my own sense of reason. That can lead to me ending up thinking in the same terms to some degree and telling others some of the things I would think was stupid or insane.

I wish I could say I was able to know when I was teetering on the edge of such moments in thought. But too often the just end up sneaking up on my brain and coming out of my mouth. Then I have one of those “oops” moments when I truly can’t believe I actually said what came out of my mouth. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could explain it was because of something I was told. However, when people roll their eyes you know they are deaf to anything else you have to say.


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