Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Well, I got to say this is one of the stupidest comments you can make. Oh we still make it at times I suppose, but it doesn’t make it any less stupid in my book.

In the first place what is being said with this? All that is known by whom? After all it isn’t all that is possible to know. Just all one can possibly know within the limits of our own frame of reference.

Now you might even ask why I’m making a big deal of this. It is probably because I’ve heard it too often where I live.

Not that I mind living in Mediocrity most of the time, but we aren’t talking about the World capital for the informed in my city.

Which is fine with me since if the voters were more informed I might be in big trouble. And in some ways there is a certain joy in living somewhere that there is live in your neighborhood and then the rest of the world.

Um patriotism you understand does exist. It is only more of theory when it extends beyond the Fourth of July in one of the our parks where they are having a barbecue.

That isn’t to say we don’t have young men how enlist in the military. But if they do bother to come back to Mediocrity they sort of understand that what they saw outside the city limits is better left there.

So in my town all that is know is a very, very small tidbit of knowledge. It never extends to the state, federal government or world.

Oh we do have several magazines in our libraries that do offer you a chance to gawk at the world beyond our city. I’ve never personally looked at them. But I hear they have some wonderful pictures.

We do have folks that go on vacations. Some even take pictures. But the abiding attitude it these represent a different world that isn’t reality like in Mediocrity. Yes, I’m serious.

However, I have learned to celebrate such departures from the kind of all that is known that might count where people had a reason to worry about the world. There is a definite plus to acknowledge there might be fact worth knowing other than our fly spec of the world.

We just refuse to allow such details intrude enough on our reality to give us much reason to worry about it. If ignorance is bliss then, I guess in Mediocrity we have more bliss than just about anywhere else you might travel. And that is all that needs to be known in our city. At least it works for us regardless of how somebody else might think about it. You just got to love the devotion to not thinking. It works for me.


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