Sunday, June 18, 2006


For me partners are those you have in some relationship where you can function by yourself or find some benefit in having another person involved. One can think of a marriage as a partnership. Although I’m not sure they necessarily always work the way they are supposed to.

As for business, well I guess that is the most common area when speaking of partnerships. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they don’t.

Still, the one thing that I observe about partnerships is that somebody is going to end up in charge, somebody is going to get the shaft. Yep, that’s what I said, I feel that in a partners it is never equal.

My paragon of such principle is with big corporations and the government. When some big corporation decides to be a “partner” in a community you can be sure they aren’t doing it because they want to sit on their board. Nope, they want you to accept them coming into their community and giving the illusions of caring for publicity purposes. They may do some good, if it serves their needs, but it really isn’t the reason even if they claim it is. My slant you understand. And I’m not complaining. I think it is great. It is just one sided that’s all and I like that part.

As for the government. Being a partner with other governments is a big deal in their eyes it seems. However, let’s be realistic with our government the philosophy of partnerships in that regard is they give, you take and then you also accept them basically owning your soul. Again my view. And one that wishes to salute that kind of wonderful application of the term partner.

Let’s be realistic. The idea of a true partnership where both individual is an equal in the relationship is from my view more a myth than reality. It is a wonderful sentiment, but I just wish the ideal wasn’t something we insist upon treating as truth. That is an approach that screams failure if you ask me.

I do like the idea of partnerships in terms of alliances. And as long as one respects the basic tenuous nature of them. If you accept they never last and are never equal they are great. If you get your shorts in an uproar over the fact that something that was never equal turns out to fail, they I say celebrate your stupidity!

Which is why I focus on a more practical guide to partnerships. I accept being involved with somebody and we agree on a financial pack. But I never assume if the person ends up with a shot at a better deal they won’t sell me out in a heartbeat. Yep, I believe in loyalty. It is a word in the dictionary. Just from my view that is where it pretty much stops in terms of partnerships.

I know that sounds real pessimistic. Only if you give in to thinking a partnership can never work. Me, I think they can work. I just prefer to wear a bullet proof vest of some kind of protection on both my front and back to deal with those who want to say one thing and then ambush you or stab you in the back. Yep, it is fun.


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