Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I love the way the optimists camp out on this being so important. Okay, let’s go through the motions of attitude “corrections.” The half full syndrome is the implication that you have confidence you will refill the glass eventually. Ergo, you don’t have something half empty since you intend to someday add to the amount. Or you are suggesting that you may simply not want to grieve over what is gone. Instead you want to celebrate what is left.

I say get over it people! It is a stupid glass that only has part of it filled, period. And saying or implying your life, your future, your very worth are somehow tied to how much fluid is in a dumb glass is STUPID!

Yeah, you heard my right. It is stupid. I say that because it is stupid. Totally moronic. My opinion of course.

Why do I say that? Because I get sick and tired of some jerk implying my future is tied to this glass thing. Frankly while the guy is standing around and pontificating over the glass and its symbolism, I’m going to reach over and drink it!

Then he can talk all he wants about half full or half empty. In either case, my stomach feels pretty darn satisfied in the process.

Okay that is my view. But I am sorry, it seems to me that we have far more self-appointed sages on this subject than we need. I think a few of them out to retire and take up being bartenders. Then they could fret over glasses all the want and leave the rest of us alone!

I’d like to see them try that half-full, half-empty crap on some drunk dude with a “born to kill” tattoo on his huge bicep. By the time he gets through with them I think worrying about how much liquid there is in a glass will be the least of their problems.

Now have I said enough? I doubt it will help the people who get their jollies rambling on this subject. I take that as a sign they seriously need therapy.

As for me, heck I’m just happy to spend my time drinking. You can spend all the time you want bickering over how much liquid you have.

If that is you’re thing, go for it. Just don’t do it around me. Honestly, I just don’t want to know so don’t tell me.

And if you have to impress somebody with your stupid and boring attempts as insight, then by all means please do it in front of a mirror where the rest of us don’t have to hear about it. That would be the best insight you could have.

Meanwhile all this talk about drinking has made me thirsty. So I’m headed for a bar. And the only time I care if the glass is half-full is when it means I need a refill!


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