Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I suppose in some ways I could say “ditto” to my last posting when dealing with the half empty people. But I don’t know, the half empty folks never are as prone to get in your face as that half full ones.

It is more like, “well, I barely have a half empty glass, so maybe if I don’t say anything then no one will jump my case over it and I won’t lose what I do have.” That works form because they are more likely to keep their mouths shut and just suffer. Which means I don’t have to listen to it and that is good news for me.

Unfortunately for me there are always the few half empty types that do have a need to whine. They will never shut up. When I face those types what I do is quickly look for a half full kind of person so I can have them get into the face of the whiners.

Then I can sit back and listen without having to get involved in the conversation. It feels great and I don’t have to worry about the half empty guy bothering me for a while.

What I think bothers me the most is having to even cope with this whole subject in the first place. I mean can’t these people get a real life and stop obsessing about glasses of some kind of liquid.

Which brings me to pivotal aspect for me above all else. What the heck do these people think is in this glass anyway? It is suppose to be liquid gold? The way some get so concerned on the subject you can help wondering to some degree. At least I do.

Now perhaps if I could find a way to substitute something for a glass it might help. Say for example brains. Having half a brain could be interesting. Whether you were waiting for more brains or just trying to hold onto the few you had, it would be safe to say that would at the very least a way to excuse you failures.

That would be so much more helpful than the glass thing. With the glass issue you don’t get any justification for what you do. You just get either applauded for being a optimist or criticized for being a pessimists.

Whereas if this thing was related to brains then you could have a joyous occasion to say, “Well I can’t really do better because I have brains on back order and they haven’t arrived yet. But rest assured as soon as they do arrive I plan on putting them too good use. Providing they aren’t defective in some way. Then I can only hope they are under warranty. So in the meantime I do hope you will make allowance for my half a brain, which may or may not be half empty or full as the need applies.”

Yep, it truly sounds like such a wonderfully blessed alternative to the glass thing. All I have to do is convince all the other people I know that it would work.

For those that won’t go along, you can keep harping on the glass thing if you want. The rest of us will simply enjoy savoring the booze an not worry about how much there is.


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