Thursday, June 22, 2006


Other than as a form of creamery product you would use in coffee there aren’t too many places I imagine this phrase get used. But leave it to me to devote myself to thinking ot a way to weave it into daily life and my blog.

Where I’m inclined to go with this is the idea of compromise. Yes, compromise. For when we are speaking of half and half we are dealing with a blend to two items with neither being regarded as more important than the other. Basically a wondrous type of harmony ensues. Maybe I’m the only one who sees it that way, but I do feel it has merit.

Ah, you may ask, is this really important? And I say absolutely. Why? Because I think in its own subtle way it speaks to the concept of hope.

Yes, I say hope. The reason I say hope is that I feel it displays in a small way how we are capable of achieving a degree of balance and harmony in life. Oh with a creamery product that is half milk and half cream you might claim this is being silly, but is it really.

It is just a matter of perspective frankly. True, not everyone drinks coffee or uses half and half, but would it exist if a few balanced minds didn’t have the simple sanity to accept such a compromise without insisting only on cream?

I just think it is matter of degrees. We can achieve a respectful degree of equity if we simply extend out thoughts beyond the obvious. We can extend our hearts and souls to a greater plateau of reality where we truly savor a more enlightened path of consciousness.

Then we can rise above the pettiness of self and see ourselves, but a part of the whole, which is mankind. This can grant us the favor of progress without strife and the more universal embrace quintessence of real values.

See and you thought it was just about some creamery product. It just goes to show how life can transcend what we take for granted if we can, but elevate ourselves to such aspirations.

It also shows what an adequate enough amount of verbal manure can do to take any stupid premise and make it sound almost like it makes sense. That dear readers it the real gem in this mound of fertilizer.

Here’s hoping you can smile and rejoice over the simply fact that we can smile through it all. Which makes the harmony of satire and not taking ourselves too serious the best type of half and half there is.

Cheers! No leers and if we all can’t find a way to prevent the need to make more of life than it is, we can pass the beers!


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