Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I’ve really heard all the slants on this idea that I ever care to hear. The idea is basically if you are rotten to people they will be rotten back and if you are nice to them they will be nice back.

Personally, while that is a lovely thought, I think in reality it doesn’t work that way. That’s because there are too many greed slimes out there that if you are nice to them they will treat it as a weakness and try to rip you off. Call it being cynical if you want, but let me tell you that has sure been my experience.

I wish the other side of the coin really did exist more often. I have to admit it would be wonderful to look forward to having somebody be nice in return to me being nice.

However, what actually happens too often is that I get only motivate to be nice to someone when I’m hoping it will end with me getting some benefit. And knowing that is how I think I see others and acting that way for the same reason.

You can talk all day about the Good Samaritan type of person. I do wonder if this is myth at times. No offense intended to the story, but is there really somebody out there that will help strangers and not have a price tag otherwise?

I won’t say it can’t happen. I’m sure it can. It just never happens to me. I’ve come close a few times, but in the end the person always wants something.

What I would like to consider then is turning this into a more practical approach. Let’s put a price tag on good deeds. We can publish a catalogue and agree upon a fee for each helpful act.

That way it would eliminate the need to wonder about what the cost was for whatever. You could look it up.

Of course for this to really work we couldn’t let it be taxable. I see no reason to let the government get a piece of this action.

Honestly, wouldn’t that really be the best option? I truly think it has potential. Imagine how it would simplify things?

Why I bet we could even turn it into a business for some people. Yeah that would be truly a plus. Hmmm, professional charity do-gooder. I like the sound of it.

We might have to work out a decent type of retirement program. But I’m sure that wouldn’t be impossible would it?

Once again, Mayor Rash unveils and innovative and practical guideline for an area of life not yet truly regulated or organized. Now all I got to do is figure out how I can get that catalogue in print.


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