Friday, June 23, 2006


Somewhere this has become almost a household word. The presumption being you are a jerk and lucked out and married someone who was so dumbstruck with love that she would marry a slug like you. Oh yeah that is inspiring isn’t it?

What I want to know and maybe it is just me, but this seems primarily focused on implying women are the better half. According to what law?

I’m sure it is one of those laws that isn’t written down anywhere, but if you violate it you can know with absolute certainty you’re going to get punishment. And not by the regular court either. More like the one where you wife is the judge, jury and executioner and she’s sitting there with visions of castration inspiring her big smile.

Still despite this silliness, the reality goes on that this notion of the better half still exists and isn’t going to go away any time soon. Heck, it will never go away.

So that means we get stuck being revered as a Simian clone with no class who are only blessed to even live indoors as long as there is a female keeper to be sure we are house broken. Which is another fun term. Regardless of the facts and what it should mean, the reality is that for us guys it means the wife gets the house and we get broken with debt. My interpretation admittedly.

Okay so life goes on. Boy don’t I wish there was a way of changing that to where it could go on with a few more smiles. Oh yeah I would vote for that if any one was having an election. Lots of luck in that department.

Alright, so you might ask I suppose if I know the fix is in and we’ll never ascend beyond the phase of being viewed as knuckle dragging Neanderthals lacking the brain cells to do more than fetch, why bother to depress everyone by posting it.

It is probably because of that old saying about how misery loves company. And I figure that some things are truly worth sharing, this tidbit being one of them.

Now if by chance you are one of the ones that says, “Hey, I not going to take this lying down,” then I say go for it. Yep knock yourself out.

When you getting done flexing your testosterone and patting yourself on the back for proving your no wimp at least in your mind the rest of us slugs will still be here. And don’t worry I won’t bring it up. I figure us less that better halves need all the encouragement we can get.

Yep, life can be so interesting at times. This might not be one of them, but perhaps by hopefully giving out a snicker or two I can keep us from the need to lie about it as much.

That is definitely better than looking in the mirror for some of us. Hopefully, we can enjoy it in some way if we think up enough excuses.


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