Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Ah stress. What are you going to do? My advice is to pass it on. Yep, dump it on somebody else. Trust me you love yourself in the morning for it.

Actually I have observed that for the most part the strive comes like a roller coaster. It is never constant, it has peaks and valleys. But the worst part is how often it comes when you need it the least. Sort of like you have become some kind of stress magnet and who needs that?

Not me that’s for sure. Besides the way I look at it, worry and stress should be delegated for the benefit of training my subordinates. Yep, how can they ever learn the reality of their place in life if they don’t understand emotional misery? It is just a matter of being thoughtful. There just isn’t any benefit to them by allowing them to linger in the delusion that all is well.

So when the days bear down like you’ve been beat on the head constantly and you decide it is time to leap off a cliff, pass it on! Give it to some poor employee who is probably unhappy because their live sucks anyway. You can do them proud and make them feel better for the experience. Well it sounds good at least.

That is how I’ve learned to cope. It is true that at times I do have to tolerate having the depression at the office as thick as mud. You can feel it clinging to the air like a very bad smell as if somebody just farted.

Still, I do manage to cope. I simply retreat to my office, soak up enough booze to stop feeling guilty and then everything seems just fine. At least for me.

Does that sound like the cowards way out? Well let me point out one thing about that, cowards are the heroes of knowing who to live stress free lives. Think about that. The courageous dudes end up being the ones who spend their time getting exhausted trying to improve things. And most of the time they don’t even get thanked. Somebody just figures a way to keep sucking them dry till they keel over from fatigue. Then they have a heart attack from the strain of it all.

Meanwhile the dude with the yellow stripe down his back gets to keep going. He might even get a shot at the courageous dude’s widow. Then the life insurance and then — ah, it is to dream.

In any case, stress is best when it happens to somebody else. And anytime I can ruin another person’s day while leaving me with a reason to smile, I’m very happy.

Yep, life does have stress and strive. We can either accept it, deny it or in m y case be sure it ends up in somebody’s else’s court.

Ah, I guess I better go. I have a date with a cocktail for lunch. The strive today at the office is extra demanding and I need the booze to help make me deaf to my employees whining.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...Stress is always part of our life...always follow us...every time every where...now...depend on us how to manage it wisely...

8:32 AM  

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