Saturday, April 29, 2006


Some might assume that I mean either give and take or give them a break. But I do mean what the title says, “give and break.”

This translates into simply giving, which well I don’t do as a rule unless I can take in the process and break as I breaking another person’s will. Ergo, you give them grief to the point you break their spirit. In other words, passing on a big heaping mound of revenge! And loving it, I might add, if that is necessary.

I’ve heard all that bible thumper jargon on the concept of spiritual revenge. You sit back get your ass beat and then scream to God, go sick em boss. Okay, okay, I’m paraphrasing way too much. But the general idea is you don’t plot and plan to get even.

Now that approach is fine as long as you don’t worry about the jerk who ripped you off actually getting what he deserves. I mean can you really depend upon the almighty to get around to whacking some jerk by your timetable? I don’t mean any disrespect, but let’s be honest our supreme being is immortal and he does have a whole universe to run. None of us knows if he say, issues some divine memo to an angel to take care of the problem. What if the angel is on a coffee break? Fair is fair, let’s face it, immortals hardly worry about punching a time clock. So maybe the angel’s idea of a coffee break is a month. Shoot he could be on vacation. It is hard to say how long those last.

Thus the memo sits in his in-box tell he gets back from wherever angels go for vacation. Heck maybe by the time he’s got back the jerk who ripped you off is dead. Then what?

Which is why having managed to think of all those things, I just simply observe it is better to not get frustrated and do what you can to solve the problem and not bother the big guy. Seems like a good plan on my part.

The hard part is making sure you don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Instead you take a breath, exhale and then cling to a vision of planning the perfect way to make the other jerk’s life a living hell.

Come on give out that creative. Enjoy it. Plan a wonderful way of breaking the spirit of the other jerk.

If you do it right you get to do the happy dance on the person’s grave. Er, I should say metaphorically speaking of course, lest I should risk any chance of saying something for which I might end up risking some kind of incrimination.

Anyway, I assume you get the general idea on this whole thing that I’m suggesting you find a way to savor those smiles. And if somebody robs you of it then do what you have to in order to get it back. That folks to me is the smart choice. If you want to be stupid and thing the other jerk isn’t plotting revenge knock yourself out. As for me, I count on it and that is why I get even before they do whenever possible.


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