Monday, May 08, 2006


I bet you think I’ve gone bonkers or something by mentioning repentance since it is normally a religious deal. But that is the kind of I’m sorry where you are trying to avoid a divine spanking. Yep, that the Rash interpretation.

However a person can blow it in other ways and feel sorry too. They might even get so you know aroused or mournful that they honestly want to do things differently. So if they mess up and then come back later and want to start over I say, “NOT ON YOUR LIFE!”

Oh yeah, that’s right, I said forget it. To me I know how most people are liars. You can believe anything they say. Even the bible thumpers can speak with a forked tongue regardless of if they claim it is a cross!

My point is that I honestly don’t find too many people who genuinely are into repentance. I find a lot who want to blame others for their mistakes and flat ass lie about a blunder, but genuinely have some degree of sadness when they screw up, almost never.

I’m not saying I’m any better. The simply fact is that it is because I don’t have any motive for repentance that I am prone to accept it doesn’t actually thrive too much among my fellow man.

Plus there is the simple fact that once a person has violated your trust in them can you really trust them again? Don’t give me any of that crap either about forgiveness! That’s one of those fairy tales that people talk about, but never actually do.

What bugs me the most is when somebody creates the illusion of being repentant or forgiving and in no way their do their actions actually express it to be a reality. Like any of us honestly buys into the idea that fake sorrow or mercy does any good. It is fake, what can you say.

But it works for some people. The really silly ones that talk about honesty out of the sides of their mouths. They are the crown princes of denial. Only they can stop lying long enough to admit it.

I call this whole process a game where nobody really wins. However I at least try to do it with a smile since I do make up my own rules.

In the meantime if I run across a backstabbing creep like me who says he’s sorry for his stupid behavior and promises to do better, I give him a chance. Maybe I don’t actually trust him, but I don’t tell him that.

That is when I use a method for deal with repentance my way. It is called hidden cameras. Sometimes even illegal wire taps. I call that all having fun when I do catch a sorry perhaps doing something that proves they are really sorry. Yep, that’s real repentance I see every day.


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