Sunday, April 30, 2006


This is in a way an extension on my last posting having to do with the subject of giving. Only the Limburger concept of giving is more of an issue of doling out whatever you to give in order to get what you really want.

Last time had to do with revenge. This one has to do with plain old GREED! Yep, I’m telling you folks that the one thing I love is giving a nice token of illusion care and concern that gets someone to lower their defense and give me whatever I want.

You see as I’ve come to assess it the majority of giving falls under that category. Oh we have the supposed façade of humanitarianism, but too me the core of that is doing things to get attention for yourself or some other kind of benefit. So if one is honest, which isn’t likely it is really driven by selfish motives.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this whole area of giving is in the area of religion. Have you ever notice how the big harpers on giving are never poor? They want you to be poor by dangling that carrot out there that you’ll get a big reward for dropping all your cash into their coffers.

So while they are off in Bermuda enjoying your gold then they expect you to wait for heaven to sent you some divine money gram of a blessing. You hardly notice them doing the waiting do you?

I have to confess that I am jealous. Yep, I’m totally in pure envy of their little game. It is such a marvelously creative program having God as your partner. You get to ask for donations in return for heavenly blessings as a return on your investment. It’s a great program.

I just wish as a politician I had such choices. I have to rely upon taxes and nobody like those. I can offer you salvation or blessings, just my need to pick your pocket.

I suppose if I could weave God into it somewhere that would help. But I imagine that if that was the case somebody would be griping about how I was violated the separation of church and state.

What is a poor money grubbing rat like me to do? Do you really expect me to live on MY salary? Are you kidding?

Nope, I refuse to be a civil servant who has to be down right broke as long as I can figure a way to gleam a few extra bucks for myself from some source. And if you don’t like it, no problem.

You are more than welcome to run for office yourself and take a shot at sucking the public dry. Just be sure you do it in some other city than mine. I’ve pretty much got my staked out and sucked dry. So I don’t need the aggravation of that kind of help. Best of luck in your efforts!


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