Sunday, April 23, 2006


Yeah there are those “monsters” out there that love to roar and scare the crap out of you. Only in reality they normally have no teeth and are more hot air than any real threat. However at the time if they act the part convincingly enough you will still end up scared by them. Probably even enough to get intimidated and give into their desires, which is the whole purpose of their bluff.

The big problem is appreciating when the monster isn’t bluffing. If you screw that part up you could end up being EATEN! And that is definitely not a good option.

So how do you know when some monster (I’m speaking of people now of course) is real rather than a phony? Sometimes it can be hard.

For myself a lot depends upon what I know about their history. If they happen to show up, for example, using a splinter of a human bone for a toothpick and speaking how somebody was a good snack, THAT IS A MONSTER!

On the other hand if they talk big, but then scream when they see a shadow and say something about how it could be a beast waiting to eat them, well I’d sort of not worry about them too much. That’s not a hard and fast rule, just a suggestion.

Now perhaps you don’t have to worry about the big bad nothing in your world. To which I might ask, “What planet do you live on?” Because I have a feeling it isn’t earth.

The last time I noticed we seem to be a great place for the big bad nothing to thrive. In fact some people appear to spend most of their time working very hard doing their imitations of monsters.

I always thought it was pretty amusing that politicians are suppose to be servants of the people, but if you don’t have enough “monster” in you to eat the other big bad nothings then you probably won’t get elected. Just seems sort of a double standard. I mean we want a dude in office that is a hero, but also a pussy cat in terms of helping us. Somehow that just isn’t logical in my book.

That’s because if the person is hungry and mean enough to kick butt he’ll probably not be satisfied just chewing on the behind of somebody we hate. Sooner or later he’ll turn hunger and be looking for some fresh meat, namely one of US!

It sort of goes along with that old saying about ‘power corrupting.” And I imagine it isn’t something that is going to change any time soon.

So watch out for those monsters because I have a feeling they aren’t simply going to die off or go away. If you are lucky they spend their time hunting down other places to eat so he doesn’t look at you as a snack. And if by chance you do end up on the menu, well I guess that means that particular monster wasn’t the big bad nothing. Just a hint from your uncle Rash.


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