Sunday, March 12, 2006


Yep, compromise may be the way to cooperation, but greed will win out in terms of success. That is a Rash philosophy.

In my situation I do savor the illusion of being cooperative. If I can make a person honesty think I’m a pussycat and pushover while the whole time plotting the best way to stab them in the back, I’m in my perfect element. And from what I’ve seen I’m not alone.

I treat it as being a little like putting a price sticker on a new car. You put the price on it alright that the customer thinks he’ll have to pay. Then you have all the extra costs like sales tax that get tagged on later. However at the time it looks impressive in terms of the amount he thinks he will pay.

I think the only think that bugs me is how come I even have to play this game in the first place? It would be so much easier if up front I could be honest and say something like, “look I’m going to help you, but at a big cost. So just hand me your wallet and I’ll take what I want and then we’ll get along fine.”

Does that work? Not in real life. People are far more content with a big fat lie regardless of the facts than the real truth in that regard. And you know what? In the end the results are the same. It doesn’t matter to me how prudent or smart they are. Sooner or later I’m going to find their blind spot and exploit it. The longer it takes, the more I will suck out of them as offset for the added cost.

So it would just be so much simpler if they would cooperate and not make me put up with that kind of silliness in the first place. However I’m sure that will never happen as long as I have to deal with people with too much pride and not enough common sense.

So life moseys along with me doing most of the talking, somebody else doing the giving and thinking they are going to do the taking. I grant them the illusion of thinking they have pulled a fast one. Because normally by the time they figure out they got shafted they are too embarrassed to complain about it. Which works for me whether it works for them.

Ah life is such a sweet melody of I did it my way that is often sung off key by people who truly can’t sing the con job song very well. I just sit back, managing to go deaf while the ramble on trying to impress themselves.

Listening is the least I can do for them considering that I am about to rip them off for a fabulous amount whether they can afford it or not. Yeah it isn’t fair. I figure life isn’t fair to begin with so why should I be any different.

If you want kindness, go see somebody who gets paid to look like they care. As for me, I’ll just end up making you feel good and for a price you probably can’t afford. If I do my job right though you won’t be upset enough or notice enough to have a reason to complain.


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