Saturday, March 11, 2006


Daydreaming can be fun as long as you remember it is a dream and not reality. I don’t mind having a vision or being positive, but if you aren’t going to ever visit the real world, then don’t knock on my door to say the sky is purple! Translation? Enjoy your imagination, but don’t be an idiot!

Honestly I can’t blame some people for succumbing to the joys of living where only the sun of favor shines. Even if they can’t live there it is a far better place to pretend than some dump of reality that makes you want to upchuck with depressions.

But despite my sympathy for their condition, I still need these folks to come out of the clouds and taste the land where they actually live from time to time. And especially when they are working for me. I’m sorry, but if in your dreams you are a god, fine. However when I’m paying your salary, even if it is minimum then you’re an employee and that means WORK!

Oh I know that is a terrible shock to the system of self deluded gods. All that having to mill around and hob nob with the dullards and ordinary can be so traumatic.

However unless you have a way to wave some rented magical wand and suddenly become a real god (um little g of course) then get real and remember you are stuck like the rest of us poor working slobs. Which means keeping your butt as busy as your mind in terms of facing what is your lot in life.

It can be a tough option for all the regrettably reality challenged gophers and lackeys of the world, but there is no way I can take away where you butt has to hang. So get over it and stop remaining in some perpetual fog of stupidity just so you don’t have to kid yourself about your real life.

Somebody made the far too famous comment once about the fact that life sucks. And I think no matter how much it sucks to know life sucks, it is better to give it something suck on instead of yourself than pretend everything is perfect.

Now that is my no-nonsense approach for the working man. It might not be anywhere as nearly much fun as keeping your head in the clouds, but it does keep you from having as far to fall when you do have to stop flying.

So you might has if I apply this rule to my own life? Are you kidding? That is my whole approach on this thing. I got to be sure all the ordinary grunts stay real so I don’t have to. Yep, you darn right it is a double standard. And I’m darn proud of it. I figure it is inspiration. If I can get one poor working stiff to see how if they worked hard enough they could end up a lazy creep like me who lives in the clouds, great.

Meantime I tell the, WORK! I’ll do the dreaming for both of us. And the partying part too! Hey it is not fun just imagining having a good time unless you can actually have one too sometimes!


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