Friday, March 10, 2006


Nope this isn’t been turned into a spiritual blog. I wouldn’t want to compete with all the other spiritual blogs that will save you, curse you, take you to heaven or the other place and do it all in the same paragraph, with appropriate bible references thank you very much.

What I’m talking about here is the simple art of praise. But I mean real praise, not crap. I participate in this one organization that emphasizes the need to encourage its members. So they strife to have you praise another member and then naturally common courtesy sas you should do the same thing.

They have a special feature where you can post various items you right and then somebody can comment on them. Of course it is in reality a game. I praise you work and then you do the same to mind.

The big problem is that it is all a dreadful façade. People do praise, but seldom is it genuine or insightful. Most of it is simple phrases the person wrote in order to get you to do the same for them.

Adding to the “experience” that have these cute little contest where you can win bragging rights so to speak. They also award you some kind of little symbol to add to your membership page to show how great a person you are. Each is sort of a like a heart or happy face for things like most inspirational.

Anytime there are awards you can be sure there will be politics. Even though they are all contrived let me tell you there is all kinds of maneuvering behind the scenes so people can collect all kinds of these symbols. Like it really will in anyway improve your life!

It, like the praise is mainly an illusion, but it works so darn well. Sometimes I even get caught up in the frenzy and silliness. Why, I guess it is because I have an ego too and once and a while need a little hug in that regard even if I know it is baloney. But every one and a while I do love the taste of baloney.

Part of me is sad that such games have to be played in order to inspire the kind of praise that should come naturally, but it is reality. So we all play the game to some degree. And as long as we don’t destroy the illusion by thinking about it too hard then it works.

For me, well whenever I’m feeling a little stressed out from having spent too much time dwelling on how much of a rat I am, I love to stop by the group for a dose of fantasy and hugs. And even though I know it is imagination, I still feel better after I have taken the time to stop by.

Then I get to go back to the real world where there are more barbs than hugs. A band aid helps at times. Even if I have to get it at a bar!


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