Thursday, March 02, 2006


Stress. I hate it, how about you? And I hate even more when some jerk is the cause. There is enough crap in the world without having somebody pick up a shovel and dumping more on your life. But that happens and always will.

Still in the midst of all this crap shoveling my mind does wander to the wonderful dream of imagining making life easier by choking the manure out of some people. Not enough to really get rid of them permanently, just enough to render them unconscious long enough to have them stop being a manure spreader. That would be a real blessing.

And even though there are a lot reasons you can’t do that in real life, the image does give me a certain degree of satisfaction. What? You want me to lie or something? Heck I am a professional when it comes to lying, but I don’t know in this case I guess it is just more fun to say how I really feel.

Okay I suppose there might be more dignified ways of dealing with such stress. But why mess with what works. Oh I can even imagine other ways of grabbing people. Like on the bumper of my car. The image of seeing some clown running in front of my car while I chase him with a sneer just warms my heart. And imaging the person begging for life just makes me step on the accelerator till you see the person fall down in front of your car and then feel the thud as you tires run over them. Ah now that is real joy. The kind you just can’t get in many situations.

So what do you say we join hands and then say a prayer. Not for the person’s soul, but that we might find a way to achieve the little grab thing without leaving behind any witnesses.

Oh I suppose I ought to give thought to coming up with some other option to such images. I appreciate they aren’t based in love. But then I do voice the observation that too many times I’ve seen the advocates of love act in the most heinous and hateful manners imaginable. So I’m not inclined to regard that kind of approach as really very honest either. At least from the way I see it.

So while they go around smiling and plotting behind your back I just sit back and use my mental image form of sanity to keep me from acting on the impulse to actually live out my dream. I knew a person that did that and let me tell you it wasn’t a good thing. Plus it isn’t that easy to explain to a jury.

Perhaps it might even be good if didn’t have to say at times that life goes on. I could live with occasionally saying something like “life just choked the crap out of a moron.” But the dreams never become as fun I guess when you appreciate as reality they wouldn’t solve the bigger problem. That being that we have too many people that needs a little grab in order to improve.

It is to dream and wish. Hopefully one can do it with a smile from imagining the satisfaction if the dream were real. You just don’t have to admit to anyone why you’re smiling.


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