Friday, March 03, 2006


Ah this is one of my favorite questions. Not too surprising I suppose is that I normally get asked it a lot. When you are involved as much as I am in doing things of a questionable nature it does generate a lot of questions.

What I’m grateful for is that people are far more prone to be instinctive that logical. By that I mean they often sense something is wrong, but don’t always bother to base their opinion on facts. Oh a lot of times they are right on about what they think, but without proof there is no problem. They just have and inkling and you can’t prosecute on an inkling. A tidbit of survival for those contemplating, well on wishing to push the legal envelope a tad.

The hard part is looking sincere when sitting there and asking, “What evidence?” I helps to be wearing a coat to hide the sweat stains forming from stress or fear. And pretending to have a scratch on your head so you can wipe your brow is a nice diversion too.

Basically those are just helpful reflections for those of my kind of proclivity. I mean I’m far too lazy to want to work for a living. And I’m not talented enough to win fairly. But why should I be denied the rewards of hard work and ability just because of that reason? This is the land of opportunity after all and who needs more opportunity than us lazy, conniving rats. Besides cheating only counts if you have “EVIDENCE!” I rest my case in that regard.

The only problem I have to worry about is when dealing with a person that does have the facts. That can be a real challenge. One way to avoid that is to be sure you know your sucker before you con them. Don’t pick out somebody who pays attention and knows the facts. They can be dangerous

And regardless of the times you’ve hit a home run in that department don’t presume you will do so the nice time. Each turn a bat carries risks.

But if one keeps those little details in perspective one can normally live a reasonable life. Enjoy the thrills of reaping without sowing as well as profiting off of somebody else’s misery.

What I enjoy the most is dealing with people who have what they consider are values or ethics. From my experience they really don’t have either, but love pretending. If pressed they often end up being just as greedy and back stabbing as the rest of us.

And my stalwart question becomes doubly important with them because nobody will complain more about being cheated than a person who is totally greedy and thinks they are not. Yeah they are the worse at whining. With them nothing burns their butt more than having you sit there and ask, “what evidence?”

Yeah those make for great memories. I tell you I savor each of those episodes. It just encourages me to hang in there and hide the sweat stains the next time I have a problem.


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