Sunday, March 26, 2006


If there is one thing I can list as a “not in this lifetime” choice in terms of experiences, it is the pall of exceptions. That is the situation where you hear about some great bargain and you get all excited and then you show up to the store to find out you don’t qualify because of some exception.

Now I’m personally enough of a hypocrite to say I love creating exceptions. They aren’t illegal if you plan them correctly, but they sure can be a source of great revenge though. And if you work it right you can manage to make it seem like they exist for a good reason.

As a politician exception allow me a great excuse to punish my enemies and reward those I want to still victimize. I didn’t mention friends in any of that because well, I guess I really don’t have enough to figure them in the situation anywhere.

So the way it works as Mayor is I get to sit down and plan some change in the city’s rules that causes problems for the businessmen I hate. The ones that didn’t vote or support me for Mayor. I get to bog them down with all kinds of pain in the butt regulations that can make their life truly miserable. I tell you there is nothing more glorious than having a chance to add a few parking meters in front of some business and claim it is necessary for some lame reason.

Ah, life can be so rewarding at times. Providing the exceptions apply to others and not myself. That again is the problem with exceptions. One has to learn to cope with such distractions. I just do what I can to be sure there are more exceptions heaped on others than on me. In this country I call that democracy. Some others might call it something else, which is tossed in with those other names they give me. But then at least those are exceptions I often can ignore or pretend don’t exist.


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