Saturday, January 14, 2006


I never loved the old cheerleading thing in high school. I will admit that whenever I went to a game where they had cheerleaders I got too consumed looking at them and letting my lust explode to really pay attention to what they were saying.

I’m sorry, but you do want me to get all aroused by cheerleaders more than they cheers then stop picking gorgeous gals dressed in skimpy outfits. What do you expect a lecherous guy like me to do in that kind of situation?

Now if you were to pick some bag lady who stood up in front holding a half empty bottle of cheap wine and slurred her cheer THEN I have every reason to pay attention to what she said. I sure as heck would be looking at her that’s for darn sure. Just being realistic here.

The thing is I’m just trying to point out a flaw with our cheerleader mentality since it applies to other areas that involve cheering. We always seem to take an approach that gets our attention more for the cheerleaders than what they say. Even if it is in politics they often end up dazzling you with some imagery that takes your mind off what they are lying about.

So first rule is good cheers start with good leers! Yep you got to have the old juices flowing before you can feel like getting all excited about doing any real cheering. Which goes back to the basic idea that we claim the whole cheerleading thing is to actually “cheer” whatever we are told to be excited about. But then instead we end up being subjected to what appeals to our basic erotic or greedy nature.

All of that is to point out why later, once the cheerleaders are off sleeping with somebody else instead of you then you finally have time to sit back and think about what you were told to cheer over. Then you go, “hey wait a minute this sucks.” That leads to the sneers, which if they hadn’t distracted you in the first place would have been your natural reaction.

The bottom line is that it works, which is the whole intention behind the program. They want you to get excited for all the wrong reasons so you won’t say anything when you finally wake up and are sneering. That’s because they know if you say something you’ll prove out stupid you are and nobody wants to admit that no matter how true it happens to be.

Ah the joy of deception. Can I get a good cheer over that principle? Darn hold on, I guess I ought to go and see if I can find a really attractive woman to lead the cheer. Yeah it is prejudice. You don’t like it? Then stop falling for it.

Meanwhile let’s all join in the fun. Give me an er, well fill in that blank anyway you want. It doesn’t matter since I don’t think we really care that much anyway. Just as long as we have something cool to look at to keep us preoccupied and lust prone then we will pretty much pretend to get excited over all kinds of things. Then when the sneers come, ah, we get to be pissed and claim it is over the cheering part when we are really pissed at ourselves for being such a dope about falling for the old con like we have too many other times.


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